Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 8: Finish Classroom #3!

It's hard to believe that this is our last week in Maai-Mahiu. Today, we finish the third classroom that we started two weeks ago. Because the concrete was so weak and the floor was so uneven, it took us longer to finish than we thought.

We begin by mixing cement and sand - turning the mixture over into piles until the white and black granules form a unified grey colour. Then, we make a moat and pour in water. The process is so familiar that Daniel, a local worker or fundi, is able to stand and supervise us, as opposed to showing us what to do.

We carry the mixture in buckets and one of the local workers evens out the floor. Jenn has learnt the process too, so she helps him out. We nickname her job the top of the social ladder. After lunch, we mix the final cement and water mixture. Applying the final layer requires special skill though, so we leave it to the fundis.

On our way home, we buy fruit at our regular stand and eat mangoes together back at the hotel. I'm definitely going to miss buying mangoes for only 20 shillings each.

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