Tuesday, June 2, 2009

May 28: Our third classroom and the end of the work week.

Today, we work on a third classroom, treating the floor in the exact same way as the last one we did. We’ve become so familiar with the process now that only one fundi, or local worker accompanies us. After digging out the mud floor yesterday, we spend today mixing cement, rock, sand and water to level out the floor and fill in the holes.
This floor proves to much more challenging than the last one because the underlying concrete is so weak. By 2pm, it starts to rain, so we have to work quickly to mix the remaining cement and rock mixture. We finish this layer but realize we won’t be able to add the other layers of cement and sand until later.
By now, it is pouring and we watch the school yard turn into huge pools of mud. I now understand what ‘heavy rain season’ in Kenya looks like. Lucky for us, Nathan comes to the worksite with his car and offers to drive us back to Transit. Four of us squeeze into the trunk, and the five others cram in the front and back seats. To our relief, the hotel still has electricity – which is unusual considering its usual blackouts in the rain – and we all take much-needed showers.
We couldn’t’ be more relieved to end the work week and set off for our safari in the Masaii Mara tomorrow.

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