Friday, December 23, 2011

Naru Moru, Kenya: Karibu Naro Moru

We begin our journey to Naro Moru, with eyes wide open and filled with excitement and jet lag. The first 20 minutes of the 3 hour drive ahead was spent chatting, pointing out the windows, and taking lots of photos. The rest of the drive was quiet as everyone took in the images of their first experience in Africa. The scenery was a luscious green, and went on for miles. Children with their shoeless feet, and torn shirts greet us with their big smiles and waves as we drive into the village. We are welcomed to the Wanjau home, which will be our home for the next two weeks. It looks like a house out of a storybook, with a red roof, chimney, and beautiful garden overlooking a dense forest. I’m in Africa – the feeling is surreal.

Jasmine Dhillon
DWC Team Leader
Kenya December 2011

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