Friday, May 25, 2012

May 14th: Introductions and Orientation

This morning we met with six of the eleven project committee members we will be working with. Following introductions, we set off for a tour of the reforestation and irrigation projects that are currently taking place in this community. We learned that the people of Naro Moru were unhappy with the destruction of their forests and decided to take action to obtain control of the land. The community committed to rebuilding and protecting the area and providing sustainable solutions for supplying food and water to the entire community for future generations . The portion of the project we are responsible for is digging a 1.5km trench (kazi ngumu) to provide water to 400 more community members. In order to spare us from only digging trenches for the duration of our stay, we will also plant trees at local schools and work at the tree nursery. The entire community has welcomed us and made us feel very at home, they have expressed very sincere gratitude for the work we will be doing and that DWC has already done. After meeting the committee and seeing the community we are all very eager to get digging! 

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